No Gods. No Dungeon Masters.
2017. Silver Sprocket
12 pages. (Art.)
Writer(s): Io
Artist(s): Rachel Dukes
Colors: Hannah Fisher and Rachel Dukes
Cover: Andy Warner
An analysis of multi-classing between anarchist and nerd identities, No Gods. No Dungeon Masters. provides an adventurous peek into the world of one “un-elected bastard ambassador” for two cultures that rarely overlap.
The full-color comic gorgeously reflects how radical leftist values and geek predilections can inform one another, the struggle to feel comfortable in either community, and how sorcery is real and you can use it to fight cops.
Io and Rachel Dukes deliver a funny and thought-provoking comic sure to be a (critical) hit (get it?) with anarchists and Dungeons & Dragons fans alike.